
Wednesday 11 November 2020

Check Out This Amazing 100 Word Story

 This week some of our class had to do 2 100 word stories about 2 pictures we choose from pobble. I chose to write about The Sky Ladder and The Deep. here is my writing about 

Here is my story from ‘The Deep’

 He put his head under and saw a humongous figure lurking beneath him; it was moving pretty fast. He soon realised that it was trying to swim away from something; it was being targeted. He looked around, saw nothing so he got pretty nervous. Then it made a sound, blood rushing out of it's stomach; it had just been bitten by something  and his boat was about 150 meters away. He didn't know what to do because he didn’t know what had bitten it so he swam back to the boat as fast as possible to get help for it.

Have you ever had to write a 100 word story before?

Check Out These Great 100 word storys

 This week some of our class had to do 2 100 word stories about 2 pictures we choose from pobble. I chose to write about The Sky Ladder and The Deep. here is my writing about 

‘Sky Ladder’. 

It wasn't there when he had left the night before but when he had returned in the morning he saw it! A ladder just laying on top of his old shack, he didn't know where it led or where it came from; only one way to find out! Slowly he climbed up the ladder, it creaked whenever he moved an inch. He had nearly reached the top when he heard a loud cracking sound; what was it, where had it came from but then he realised it was the ladder he rushed up to the top but he was too late.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Check Out This Great Analysis DLO

 Last week in Te Ngahere we did an ‘Analysis DLO’. We had to choose 3/6 texts, our options were: The Mouse, The Ship, The Man, Paper Planes, Winter Kingdom, and Bilbo Baggins but one of our texts had to be The Ship. I chose: The Mouse, The Ship and Bilbo Baggins. There were 3 sections for each text; the first section was that you had to find phrases/verbs/adverbs/vivid adjectives; the second was figurative language so any similes/metaphor/personification; the third one was a figurative device. At the end of every section it asked you ‘what mood or atmosphere did this create?’  The hardest part about this was trying to fix what was wrong without knowing what I had done wrong!  During this I learned what a concrete noun is; it's is something that you can either: see, touch, hear, smell or taste.

Do you do anything like this in your class?

Here it is!

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Check Out This Great Jumbled Text

 Yesterday in Te Ngahere we had to solve a muddled up text  about ‘Friends’. We were learning to identify and use the correct structure and language features of explain writing.  When I say muddled up I mean muddled up; the title was in the middle of the text, a whole paragraph was on top of the planning and it didn’t even make sense put together! Once I thought I had got it right and was confident I marked it red but it got marked orange (Of course it did). So I rearranged them and marked it yellow but it got marked orange again, I rearranged them one last time and it finally got marked green. It turns out the first few were in the correct places, it was just the last ones, which made it really hard for me.

Have you ever had to solve a muddled text before?

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Check Out This Amazing Te Reo Maori!

 For the past few weeks in Te Ngahere we have been working on a weather report in Te Reo Maori. I did a blog post about learning weather in Te Reo Maori  afew weeks ago. Now Mahana and I have finally moved on to our DLO, we had a choice to make our DLO into a powtoon, animation or green screen; Mahana an I chose to do an animation. It didn’t matter what we had chosen, but it had to have a map of New Zealand  with all of the locations written in Te Reo Maori. Once we had finally finished making our animation we did a screencastify, linked it to the ‘Hand In Sheet’ and marked it red and now it’s green!

Have you ever had to do a screencastify in Te Reo Maori?

Here it is!

Friday 23 October 2020

Cricket, I'm loving It

 This morning half of Te Ngahere went out to the field to practise  cricket with someone named Neal whilst the other half stayed inside to do Te Reo; I was in the first group to go out. Once we got out there we sat on the side of the year three playground. Then Neal taught us the basic cricket skills; how to hold a bat and how to hit a ball, then we had to pair up with someone; I was with Imogen. Next we had to pick a number out of one and two (In our pairs) Imogen chose number one and I chose number two. Number one was the person who had to hit the ball to their pair and number two was the one who had to retrieve the ball. We practised that for about ten minutes then moved on to ‘Speed Cricket’, then we had to get into our pairs again and pick a number out of one and two; Imogen chose one, and I chose two. Number two were the people batting and number ones were the fielders. Once it was my turn to bat I thought I would completely suck at it but turns out I’m not that bad (I hit the ball every time); we swapped over about six times before we had to go back to class. I actually really enjoyed cricket even though I thought I wouldn’t, I really hope that we can do it again some time this term. I’m  really happy because now I know how to properly hold a cricket bat and how to properly hit the ball. How to properly hold the bat: you have to make a V using your thumb and index finger and point the center of the V towards the middle of the bat.

Do you enjoy playing cricket?

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Incredible Algebra

   Two days ago  in Te Ngahere during math we were learning to show how simple number puzzles work by writing sets of instructions using  algebraic symbols. Whaea Chrissy taught us to turn letters into numbers, she said it doesn’t matter what the letter is because it will still mean the same thing. Example: N=5 if I had changed it to P=5 it would still mean the same thing. Then she told us to pick a number but don’t tell her;  I chose 7. The first thing she told us to do was write N=(Our Number) then we had to double it, plus 10, minus 6, plus 8, then half it. Then whatever your answer was equaled 6 more than your original number. We also did this with a whole bunch of different strategies which are shown in the picture below.  Overall  I found this math really enjoyable and interesting. One of the reasons I really enjoyed it was because we got to try lots of really interesting different strategies.

What sort of math does your class do?