
Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Arms & Legs Everywhere

Yesterday in class we were learning to use our maths eyes in our
everyday life . We did this by looking at a picture of 12 gingerbread
people and writing down what we could see in the picture, here is what
my buddy and I saw using our maths eyes. All these gingerbread
men/woman have 2 m&m’s which are used as buttons, Each
gingerbread person has what we think is chocolate as a hat and shoes,
Each gingerbread person is lined in an array of 4x3/3x4, There are
48 limbs, 24 buttons(the m&ms), 12 hats and 24 shoes  all together.
What I found hard about this was when the teacher said
“Do you notice anything” I was trying to look for a pattern.
What I found easy about this was after I figured out that I didn’t have
to make a pattern I started noticing lots of stuff. What I think could do
better next time is if I need help I should ask. 

How often do you use your maths eyes?

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Autumn,
    I really like the name you and your buddy made up for the Ginger bread mix, I think it suits the story and I find it is also quirky too. Isn't it neat to see maths in everyday things you see, and do? I wonder what your maths eyes see when you make your lunch?
