
Thursday, 6 August 2020

Movie Making

Yesterday in Te Ngahere we started movie making. First we had
to get into groups, in my group was Grace, Gail, Imogen and I.
Then we had to read this brief about movie making, which
included 1. Planning 2. Film Type 3. Content 4. Script/Props 5.
Locaition 6. Sound 7. Title and credits, there was an 8th one
but we weren't really focusing on that. Each word had a small
paragraph underneath it explaining what to do. After we had
done that we had to make a google slideshow in our groups we
had made earlier, then we made a slide for each subject for our
movie, so far we have completed our planning, film type,
content, props, location and sound. We only have a few more to
do then we can get all of our props together and start filming
our movie. I did this last year in a different group and we made
a leprechaun movie. Have you made a movie before?
Here are some types of shots:
Extreme Close up
Close up
Medium Close up
Medium shot
Long Shot
Wide shot (Establishing Shot)

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