
Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Check Out This Great Te Reo Maori Work

 For the past few weeks in Te Ngahere we have been Learning Te Reo Maori. We started by reading a book in Maori multiple times, then we wrote some sentences of kids going out to a sports field and playing games. Everyone's first sentence had to say I tēnei rā, I haere ngā tamariki ki te papa takaro, which means today the children went to the sports field. After we had done that we had to write: I ako rātou ki te mahi _____ , which means the kids learnt how to play, & then you’d add the sport you chose in Maori. Example: Say you chose rugby league, your sentence would be: I ako rātou ki te mahi Riki, which means: the children learnt how to play rugby league. We had to do at LEAST 5 of these, then our slideshow ended with KA MAU TE WEHI, which means awesome. After that Grace and I made a screencastify.  What I found hard about this was finding the correct translation for the words. What I found easy about this was doing the screencastify.

Can you speak any Te Reo Maori?

Here is ours

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Check Out This Amazing Movie Making

 For the past few weeks in Te Ngahere we have been making movies, we are doing this to show at the film festival. We started off by doing all of our planning, then we moved onto our script. When we started  writing our script, it started off pretty well but halfway through it was going absolutely nowhere so we decided to start from scratch, which turned out to be an amazing idea. Our movie is now about us going to a different dimension and we have to try and get out but we are calling it ‘Back to the future, BUDGET VERSION’ we go outside and get sucked into another dimension and have to find our way out by solving a series of questions! I found this easy because I have already watched back to the future and I found it hard when writing the types of shots for each scene.  Have you ever made a movie before?

Friday, 14 August 2020

Mosaic Art

 Most of last week and this week in Te Ngahere we have been doing some digital mosaic art. Mosaic art is a type of art which is just lots of little pieces of paper stuck on another piece of paper slightly spread apart. Since we are doing this digitally we made a google drawing, chose a nice background color, got a picture of an animal or idol and pasted it onto the google drawing. You have to make sure you are able to use the image though, I chose a tiger.  After we have done that we use the polyline or shape tool to make a whole bunch of shapes on the picture, we then   colored the shape the same color as the picture and make the border color of the shape transparent then continue that until you have filled up all of the picture. I have already finished my first one  so I moved onto a second one, for that one I chose a snow leopard and I have now finished that one.  I really enjoyed doing this because it is just so fun to do in your spare time. Here are mine

Do you enjoy doing art?

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Movie Making

Yesterday in Te Ngahere we started movie making. First we had
to get into groups, in my group was Grace, Gail, Imogen and I.
Then we had to read this brief about movie making, which
included 1. Planning 2. Film Type 3. Content 4. Script/Props 5.
Locaition 6. Sound 7. Title and credits, there was an 8th one
but we weren't really focusing on that. Each word had a small
paragraph underneath it explaining what to do. After we had
done that we had to make a google slideshow in our groups we
had made earlier, then we made a slide for each subject for our
movie, so far we have completed our planning, film type,
content, props, location and sound. We only have a few more to
do then we can get all of our props together and start filming
our movie. I did this last year in a different group and we made
a leprechaun movie. Have you made a movie before?
Here are some types of shots:
Extreme Close up
Close up
Medium Close up
Medium shot
Long Shot
Wide shot (Establishing Shot)