
Friday, 20 September 2019

Oral health

On Wednesday the school dentist came into Te Ngahere to talk about Oral health. One of the things I learnt was you have to brush your teeth in a circle motion so you get every side of your teeth clean. Another thing I learnt was that is if you don’t brush your teeth where your gums are you can get Gingivitis - Gingivitis is when you don’t brush your teeth up the top so you can get plaque & when plaque gets up the top of your teeth where your gums are it can make it swell up. She also told us why we have to brush our teeth at night - we have to brush our teeth at night because during the day we create more saliva in our mouth, example say if we see something yummy it will create saliva in our mouth & at night you create less saliva in your mouth because you can’t see anything. Saliva is good for your teeth because it keeps your teeth strong. She also let 2 people put this stuff on their teeth that makes their plaque change colors. If they have 3 - 4 day old plaque it will be dark blue, if they have 2 day old plaque it will be light blue & if it is purple it will be 1 day old plaque. After she left we had to make a DLO or a poster about what we learnt, here is my DLO.

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