
Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Cross - Country

Last week on Friday the school did cross country at Bledisloe Domain.
First the five year old boys went, then the 5 year old girls, then the 6
year old boys, then the 6 year old girls & so on. Before the race I was
craving nachos but I was going to get them after I raced. When it was
our turn I ran to the second soccer goal then started to jog. Once I was
halfway up the hill I started to get quite tired. I walked for about 5 seconds,
then Mr Ngata & Matua Pep kept encouraging me to run. So I ran up the hill,
I was happy because I was about to get on the flats but the flats weren't even
flat, there were little hoove holes in the ground from the horses which just
made it harder. Once I got to Whaea Becks I got excited because it was
downhill the rest of the way, when I got down to the bottom of the hill I
tripped & nearly fell face flat into horse poo, luckily I didn’t. I jumped over
the fence & started to get a bit worried thinking the people behind me were
going to beat me, so I boosted past the finish line, I came 6th place, then I went
to go get some nachos & they were out so I got a sausage & juice instead. Because
we don’t do school events like that very often I really enjoy it every time.

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