This term in Te Maunga we have been doing math problem solving some days after morning tea the experts go up to where Mrs Pou is and she teaches them. There is one expert in each group in my group there is Imogen, Jade, myself & the expert is Dezray. It is meant to be 3 people in each group but there was one person left. It was about a week-4 weeks ago we did wingspan & height my wingspan was 41cm and my height was 1 m and 38cm. Imogen's height was 1 m & 31cm & her wingspan was 131cm, Jade’s wingspan was 1.30cm & her height was 1.32cm. Dezray’s wingspan was 1m & 44cm & his height was 1m & 43cm.
In term 2 Te Maunga & Te Tahuna went on a trip to Waitangi Treaty Grounds. We went to Waitangi to learn about Matariki & we played really fun games. There was Maui-Matau, Mu Torere, we made fish out of Flax,we also played a game when there are two players and each person has one shell with stones inside and you are blindfolded & you have to find each other & we even planted ferns. I learnt how to play Maui-Matau and how to make a fish from Flax.
In Te Maunga we made a slide presentation we named it Kaimoana & saved it in Te Reo Maori and on slide 5 we titled it Reka & Kawa. We made a Table one side for Reka & one for Kawa before we made this slide we tried some food some were sour and some were sweet then we made our slide and the food that was sweet we put in Reka and the ones that were sour went in Kawa. Then we had to write He tino Reka & He tino Kawa & put them in the correct side of the Table.